Monday, February 9, 2009

Yoe Borough January 6, 2009 Minutes

YOE, PA 17313
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The regular monthly meeting of Yoe Borough Council was held on January 6, 2009
at the Yoe Borough Municipal Building, 150 North Maple Street, Yoe, PA 17313. The meeting was
called to order by Council President Sam Snyder at 7:02PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council Members in Attendance:
Sam Snyder
Barry Myers
Tom Allar
Seth Noll
Ron Crull
Bruce Manns
George Howett(arriving at 7:14PM)

Others in attendance:
Sandy Sterner, Secretary-Treasurer
Dana Shearer,Maintenance (arriving at 7:15PM)
John Sanford, Mayor
Pete Solymos,Solicitor
Connie Crull, Tax Collector

Inclement Weather Announcement

Councilman Snyder said as long as I have everyone’s cooperation because of the inclement weather
tonight, we’ll try to keep everything streamlined and get everyone home safe. I know I did bring to
everyone’s attention though, just for that purpose, it was asked I know by Pete and Jason and some
others on why we don’t cancel our meeting, the idea probably came up two three years ago, I consulted
with Barry and with John, the idea was that just about anybody here in town can walk, therefore its
more of an inconvenience and cost to re-advertise, try to get everybody together on another night that
would suit plus with our solicitor and engineer. Basically we left it that we would hold the meeting,
whoever can show up, show up. Jason is not going to be here tonight. I didn’t expect Pete to be
here, we’ll try to get him out as quickly as possible. That’s the logic around why we held tonight’s


Councilman Snyder asked if there are any additions or corrections to last month’s meeting minutes.
I’m going to abstain since I can’t testify if they are right or not. Councilman Allar said on page six,
one third of the way down, it states, Councilman Allar said just for information, its Jake Romig, not
Jason, called me yesterday and said the upstream forebay is more effective. Councilman Snyder asked,

Minutes Page 2

anymore changes? A motion was made to accept the meeting minutes of December 9, 2008 with
the noted correction by Councilman Allar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crull.
In favor: Councilman Noll, Councilman Manns, Councilman Myers. Abstaining: Councilman


Councilman Snyder said let the record reflect that there are no visitors here.

Solicitor’s Report

Solicitor Solymos said mine is short and sweet.

Resolution Solicitor Solymos said at the last meeting we needed a resolution to adopt
Open an open records policy and appoint an open records policy officer. I took
Records upon myself, to put in that policy that Sandy is going to be that officer.
Under the open records policy, it just gives someone else, I don’t think
you have to name any other municipal official the right to act, so I didn’t
appoint anyone else to substitute for Sandy. Here’s the open records policy
Policy that this resolution authorizes me to prepare. We need to do that today.

Res. 2009-01 A motion to resolve resolution 2009-01, basically setting up the open
records policy and appointing Sandra Sterner as our open records officer. Councilman Noll asked how does this change from the way it was before.
Solicitor Solymos said you had the old right to know act, this is much
tighter and much more clearer point by point by point. I know its going
to be a lot easier to know what you need and what you don’t need. What
records are available what records aren’t available. And also it provides
for much harsher penalties if we don’t provide what is appropriate. It also
provides also for an arbitration, a system where you go to Harrisburg,
we don’t give it, they apply to Harrisburg take an appeal, they can go to
York County Court of Common Pleas and seek the records. Councilman Noll
said I saw some new stuff. Councilman Snyder said pretty much in Yoe
Borough, unless it was attorney/client privilege. We were pretty much open
anyways. Where its going to affect us more than anything, is our timeline.
When we have to react to their request. Because of her being only being a
part time secretary, I know there is a deadline, five days. Solicitor Solymos
said you can have five days but you can ask for extension and they give you
up to thirty days. You have to see what is being requested and how long it
will take. Sam, hit the nail on the head, on a small municipality, by in large,
I’d err in favor of giving them the stuff. They have pay for it, they have to pay
to copy it, they have to pay to have it faxed. They have to pay if they want to
put it on a computer disc. None of that was in the old stuff. The secretary asked

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they have to pay for my time to do it, right. Solicitor Solymos said the bigger
townships especially where you have a real political ru haw going on, then
you have people filing right to know all the time, just to aggravate you.
Councilman Snyder said I don’t think its been decided yet, if its five business
days. Solicitor Solymos said there is a system on how it is, the business day
starts the day after the request, that’s five business day. The secretary said
the request has to be in writing. The motion was made by Councilman Noll.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Manns. All in favor. Councilman
Snyder said so be it resolved. Councilman Snyder said that takes care of your
appointment. The secretary said I’ll let the state know that.

Policy Councilman Snyder asked do I have a motion to accept the Yoe Borough
Open Records policy. Everyone will get a copy of that, with next month’s
minutes. Solicitor Solymos said let me explain, I take no credit for drafting
it. I copied the standard copy from the county. I just put Yoe Borough in.
A motion was made by Councilman Noll. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Myers. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said policy accepted.

Contract Solicitor Solymos said Sandy asked me to look over a contract, except for
Code the numbers which I don’t remember, the contract appears to be identical
Adminstrators from the contract that you previously entered into with our codes official.
From a legal standpoint, the nuts and bolts of it, I have no problem. As to
the numbers, I’ll leave that to your recollection as to what the numbers.
Councilman Snyder said any question about Codes? The secretary said
this is the new contract for this year. Councilman Snyder said according
to UCC we have to do it on an annual basis. A motion was made by
Councilman Crull to sign the agreement with Code Administrators for
2009. The motion was seconded by Councilman Allar. All in favor.
Councilman Snyder said contract signed.

Chronister Solicitor Solymos said the only thing I didn’t do, because of the holiday season,
and with being out of the country was finish up on Chronister,as to what they’re
going to do money wise. Or I will have a report for you and have a letter to you
before your next regular meeting. Because then you can think about what marching
orders you want to give me. And that’s all.

Appoint Councilman Snyder said items for the solicitor. We should probably do this under
solicitor’s report. We need to make other re appointments. We are of course not
having an reorganization cause its not an even number year. But there are some
appointments that need to be finalized because their terms expired. George Howett
needs to be appointed to the Dallastown Yoe Water Authority for a three year

Solicitor’s Report Page 4

term expiring December 31, 2011. Councilman Myers asked did anyone talk to him
cause I don’t think he wants to do it. He hasn’t been showing up. Councilman Snyder
said we’ll appoint him and talk after the fact. The secretary asked if he gave a
resignation. Councilman Myers said no. Councilman Snyder said he’s not here to
defend himself. A motion was made by Councilman Myers to appoint George
Howett to the Dallastown Yoe Water Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2011.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Crull. All in favor. Councilman Snyder
said motion carried.

Res. 2009-02 Councilman Snyder asked Solicitor Solymos do you want this in a formal resolution.
Or can we just note it in the minutes. Patti McGonagle and Kerry Schritchfield need
appointed to the Yoe Zoning Hearing Board for three year terms ending in January
2012. Councilman Snyder said I think the MPC calls for it by resolution but does it
formally need to be written down. Solicitor Solymos said just put it in the minutes.
A motion to resolved Resolution 2009-02, to reappoint Patti McGonagle and Kerry
Scritchfield to the Yoe Borough Zoning Hearing Board for a three term, ending
January 2012, by Councilman Allar. Seconded by Councilman Noll. All in favor.
Councilman Snyder said so be it resolved. Let the record reflect there is also a
currently a vacancy on the board. And we’ll get that out into the papers again.

Letter Councilman Snyder said another item that I’ll bring up under solicitor as we start to
Tim get into engineer. We received a request, from Tim Cottrell requesting a waiver from
Cottrell from the Yoe Borough Storm Water Management Ordinance regarding the approved
construction of replacement of the building at 275 West George Street. I’m asking
for the waiver to exempt me from installing the ground water recharge pit for the
following reason: I meet the criteria of Section 108 A1, since the replacement building
will be the exact size on the same footprint of the existing building. Its not going
to create any additional impervious surface, not creating any more water run off. My idea
is to pass it on to Jason for comments. Solicitor Solymos said absolutely. Councilman
Snyder said we don’t have act on it, at this month. Solicitor Solymos said no. Councilman
Noll said wouldn’t that have to go before the zoning hearing board, for that waiver.
Councilman Snyder said not for actually that. Solicitor Solymos asked is that part of
that part of the zoning ordinance? Councilman Snyder said no, stormwater, MS-4, sort
of like sidewalks on land development plan. Solicitor Solymos said I would give him
a letter, tell him that its been submitted to our engineer, for their review. Councilman
Noll said we have to be careful because of the Chesapeake Bay regulations. Solicitor
Solymos asked when that letter came in. The secretary said it was sitting on my desk,
tonight when I got here. Solicitor Solymos asked do you have stamp? The secretary
said I can write it by hand. Solicitor Solymos said write when it was received. I’m
telling you with this guy. Councilman Snyder asked can you get that letter out and then
faxed that to Jason tomorrow. The secretary said I can. Solicitor Solymos said and make
note that it was not mailed, it was just laying here at the borough. The secretary said

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yes, and this is what it looked like and this will be attached to the back of it. Councilman
Snyder asked with this Open Records thing, would it be advisable to use a date stamp.
The secretary said I will get one.

Councilman Snyder said the only other thing that I have to bring up. Where is Jason’s?
The secretary said its right there. Councilman Snyder said this will be real quick but you
might as well hear about it. Cause of course I talked with Jason earlier, and somewhere
in here, he’s going to recommend that we go into an executive session. It won’t take long.
This is sort of under Engineer’s Report. South Main Street, water drainage. A meeting
was held with representatives of Dallastown Yoe Water Authority, to review spring water
surface discharge in the area of South Main Street and East Newton Alley. Due to the
potential for litigation additional discussion is recommended be held in executive session.

Executive Session at 7:17PM

A motion was made by Councilman Myers to enter into executive session at 7:17PM.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Allar. All in favor.

Reopening the Regular Meeting at 7:27PM

Councilman Snyder said we will now open the meeting. Let the record reflect, we
discussed a potential litigation issues under engineering. Do I have a motion then for
the secretary to send a letter to the water authority informing them that we will be
looking into this matter and seeing what options are available for the borough in this
area of South Main Street and East Newton Alley? The motion was made by Councilman
Allar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Noll. All in favor. Councilman Snyder
said motion carried.

Engineer’s Report

Todd Councilman Snyder said subdivision/land development, 105 E. Penna. Avenue, Todd
Bowser Bowser. No activity. That is back on the radar, just giving everybody a brief update.
We got a request from Todd approximately I think before New Years, asking what
council was doing on vacating North Charles Alley off of Clark and Pennsylvania.
I responded back to him, gave him the history of everything, and said the borough is
taking no activity because no activity was ever requested. And I promptly reminded
him of how things went down. Basically I don’t know why or how, Tom has some idea
of what the history there is, I’m not sure why Todd is back involved in this. He is
supposedly did sell the property back in July. He indeed is looking at this. One of
course of the issues that was brought up with the engineer back then, was sight
distance and sight triangle because of that alley way, needs to be vacated If not he
needs to keep proper sight distances and he’d need a variance for that. Where he

Engineer’s Report(cont.) Page 6

is going to come to council and request us to act to vacate that or not, I don’t know.
That sort of brings everybody up to speed that he’s back on the radar.

Dam Councilman Snyder said construction projects, the dam flooding impoundment area.
The Growing Greener grant application, the grant application is being held until
DEP Division of Dam Safety signs on to the proposed improvements. We have submitted
a wetland delineation report to DEP, the Division of Dam Safety and the Army Corps
of Engineers for review. DEP seems satisfied with the report and is seeking direction
from the Army Corps prior to authorizing the project. Jake Romig with Ecostruction
LLC, continues to refine the fore bay channel proposal. We anticipate work to completed
for submission, to DEP prior to the next council meeting. We received correspondence,
from Scott Depoe of York Township indicating that they are comfortable with our
proposed activity with the sanitary sewer easement. And they requested detail plans be
provided once the project is ready for building.

Loan Councilman Snyder said the loan program, the application has been submitted for
Program review. We will monitor the approval status and provide an update once its available.

Comm. Councilman Snyder said the community park improvement project, we continue to
Park refine the site plans/playground equipment layout. We have prepared preliminary
Project plans that will be made available for the park committee to review this week.

2009- Councilman Snyder said pending assignments, the 2009-11 CDBG grant application
2011 CDBG no update available.

Growing Councilman Snyder said on the Growing Greener Grant application, no update
Greener available.

Main St. Councilman Snyder said I already went over the Main Street spring.

John Councilman Snyder said, John Adams Subdivision, we contacted Jeff Firestone,
Adams contractor responsible for the public improvements, and we were able to recall
that the developer completed all the public improvements prior to receiving
final plan approval. As a result, a letter of credit was not posted with either
municipality. The developer increased the width of their road widening, and
depth of base pavement as a substitute to placing the final wearing course
in. This was apparently an arrangement made with York Township in conjunction
with their desire of paving the entire street at one time. Councilman Noll said
can I have a copy of that. Councilman Snyder said this just literally came in,
when we got here. The secretary said you will get a copy. Councilman Snyder
said I would have said, everyone look it over and move on.

Engineer’s Report(cont.) Page 7

County Councilman Snyder said application for county aid, we have not submitted the 2008
Aid application for county aid for 2009 funding, we have been in close communication
with the county planning commission and the county engineer and have been told
that the county may terminate their practice of distributing the liquid fuels allocation
due to budget constraints. We will continue to monitor the status of potential
funding and resubmit when appropriate.

? Councilman Allar said you said in there, there’s no letter of credit found for any
municipality. Councilman Snyder said correct. Councilman Allar asked why did
Jason have a check mark on that? He told me, when he reviewed he checked marked
it. Councilman Snyder said because he went over it. Councilman Allar said all the
forms. Councilman Snyder said maybe because it was completed in the arrangement
that was made that he just discussed. Its done, its over with, we’re going on. I would
do the same thing, I would check it off, we no longer need to discuss the issue.
Councilman Allar said that would mean that we would file it. Councilman Snyder said
no that means the issue was discussed and finalized, that’s how I would look at it.
Councilman Allar said would we file something like that. Councilman Snyder said
not if that agreement was made. Councilman Noll said unfortunately we don’t know
what was done with the clients. Councilman Allar said what about the original letter
of credit for the project to begin. Some kind of bond. Councilman Snyder said that
was probably released last year when they closing that impounding site, the water
impounding site. Councilman Allar said I wish we would know where it was,aware
of it. Councilman Snyder said yeah where it was, I don’t know, I’m sure they had
to have some bonding, for the project as a whole, I would think. Councilman Allar
said like Seth mentioned, its kind of important to the township. Councilman
Snyder said if that jogs their memory. Councilman Noll said that’s why I want
a copy of it, cause it sounds like the township had some level of involvement in
it and I’d like to talk about it. Councilman Snyder said the township had involvement
with that because they had to go to them for approval to because of one of the lots.
What the conversations where that transpired four years ago, I can’t recall. I do know
that they were involved though. Councilman Noll said I want to bring them up to speed.
So we can, it will bring it up again, they will try to pave. The secretary said I’ll make a
copy for in your box.

One The secretary reported that she received a phone call from the Pennsylvania One Call
Call system while I was on vacation. Yoe Borough is not registered under the Pennsylvania
One Call, supposedly notice was sent to the borough in 2004 urging them to become
part. I wasn’t here in 2004, so I got notified , and I have the paperwork here. Sit down
with Dana. There is one call for the sewer authority only. What is happening is that small
municipalities that weren’t picked up previously in the one call system now are having
problems with culverts and storm water and they’re getting sued because they aren’t

Engineer’s Report(cont.) Page 8

part of this system. So its important that we become part of this. Councilman Snyder
said we should be. The secretary said we’re not. Councilman Noll said if that’s true
someone here is going to have to be responsible like Dana. They’re going to go out.
The secretary said and mark it. Mr. Shearer said providing the engineer can provide
me with a good locations on where the storm water culverts are. Councilman Snyder
said probably you’re biggest problem and I don’t know how you would address that.
We don’t even know where the original creek going down through Main Street,
where it goes. I know it comes under the first three houses, cause it goes under my
house and then it shot out towards that telephone pole right at my property line because
there was an old watering trough there. That is what my grandmother said. Because I
was trying to locate a picture of that watering trough to put in the centennial book.
From there, I traced it down Main Street and it shoots across right about at Keith
Sprenkle’s house towards Broad and then it went up Broad a little bit almost to
where Edna Shoff’s house is and then there was a bridge and it went behind her
house and down the alley that is no longer there. Whether its under the sidewalk,
whether its under the road, I have no clue as to the exact location of it. Councilman
Noll said I think we might want to talk to Pete about that only because once we’re
listed, I do believe we have to be listed but if we go out and mark and mismark,
we might be required. Councilman Snyder said I don’t know how you mark
something when you don’t know the exact. The secretary said I’m sorry I didn’t bring it up under solicitor, I thought it was an engineering thing. Councilman
Noll said he should be involved. The secretary asked Councilman Snyder if he
wants to get with him on that then. Councilman Snyder said Dana’s going to have
to, fill out the paperwork. Unless council doesn’t want to follow through. The
secretary said they said we have to. Councilman Snyder said then go ahead and
fill out the paperwork, I’ll just get with Jason. Mr. Shearer said we probably
should because its kind of ducked that up there with Columbia Gas on Elm
Street. Because when they were digging they hit the storm water system up
there. That was never located. Councilman Snyder said that’s the 811. Mr.
Shearer said yes. Councilman Noll said we’re going to have to look at it
budget wise because we’ll bring the engineer in for these calls now, it has
a lot of implications besides signing up. Councilman Snyder said we’re not
prepared for it. The secretary asked Mr. Shearer, do you want to talk to Jason
about it when you get together for the park? I ‘ll leave it out there. Mr. Shearer
said I’ll get it then.

Request Councilman Snyder said we received a request from Springettsbury Township they’re
Springetts- asking for a letter of support for funding for the H20 PA program, the sanitary sewer
bury and stormwater projects through the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
Township The township is applying for 50% of the total cost of upgrades currently estimated
at 33 million. They’re basically asking since we’re part of the Mill Creek Users
group, and our sewage is being treated by them. They’re asking us to send them

Engineer’s Report(cont.) Page 9

a letter of support to the township, that they will send up to the Commonwealth.
Right here is a sample, I don’t think we have to be that detailed, just say yes we
support your application per your request. A motion was made by Councilman Noll
that we write a letter of support to Springettsbury Township to send to the Common-
wealth. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crull. All in favor. Councilman
Snyder said motion carried.

HUD Councilman Snyder said I have one other thing I would like to bring up that was brought
to our attention after our last council meeting, it came up in between council meetings.
We were notified by C. S. Davidson, that the county had approved us and was sending
into HUD for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. They call it the NSP. They
designated Yoe Borough, Red Lion Borough, Dallastown Borough, West York
Borough and Hanover Borough to receive this funding. Its two million dollars in
funding. I contacted the person that’s going to be in charge of this and asked why
weren’t we asked about what our thoughts about this were. And bring us to speed
on this. He said they just received notice of it July the request had to be done by
November and therefore to put it together, the group in there at YCPC came up with
this and that’s what they’re going for. They said the municipalities involved will be
receiving information on an ongoing basis in the near future, the funding needs to be
spent by 2014 and they will be in contacted probably by spring of this year with more
information and have a sit down with the municipalities on exactly how the program
works. Basically its four areas, rehabbing of foreclosed properties, demolition, housing
assistance and program implementation. Its not a whole lot of money. One of the things
they did say was to take advantage of any of the demolition. They’re not providing the
money to acquire the property just the money to demolish. So I guess until, I just
wanted to bring it to council’s attention, yeah we got the article. Councilman Allar
said it was in our minutes. Councilman Noll said how much is our share of this?
Councilman Snyder said they’re going to be I guess delineating who should get what
and where and then they’ll be coming back to their respective council saying this is
what we are proposing, how do you want to go along with it. Councilman Noll asked
who put this together? Councilman Snyder said York County Planning. Councilman
Allar said its part of a grant fund program. Councilman Snyder said I informed them,
I said, its going to be real hard to say what we would want when we’re going through
with this, when we’re going through with this comprehensive plan. It would be real
nice to have a comprehensive plan in place first before we go and say we want to
do this with any type of money. And the other thing, they said they are going to
provide other CDBG money available to help along with this. And I said does the
municipality have the option to opt out if they so choose. And he said yeah. So we
don’t have to avail ourselves of any of this money. Because one of the concerns
that I have is more tax exempt property here in town. So that is coming in the
near future.

Maintenance Report Page 10

54 Broad Mr. Shearer said the biggest thing on there, the property of 54 W. Broad Street, Sandy
Street had a call about water coming through the structure. Investigated, I had a call in, we
were able to make entry into the structure because there was an unsecured door. The
water authority and Dan were involved. We found pipes broken inside. Apparently
I guess the neighbor that called, went inside and turned the water off. And there’s some
water damage involved with the plumbing/heating system, called in Kevin Hertzog,
Code Administrators and it was tagged as an unsafe structure because the water was in
the electrical system. They’re trying to contact who is responsible, because it hasn’t
gone for sale yet, sheriff’s sale. Its going back to the people who owned the property.
Sandy did have information from when we had to bill them last summer for their
grass. We are in the process of trying to track that down.

Wall Mr. Shearer said the wall that I talked about last month, down on Penna. Ave. in the
alley, the old Leon Wilson property. A group of workers were here today to pick u
applications on getting that fixed. Councilman Allar asked what happened to the hot
tub. Mr. Shearer said someone must have taken that away.

Pot Mr. Shearer said the pot hole on Main Street, I did call PENN DOT on that. I got
Hole a couple of calls here anonymously. It actually looks like an old water authority
on patch. It doesn’t look like it was ever fixed. Joe doesn’t recall ever digging there. I
Main don’t know when that might have been dug. Mayor Sanford asked the one at my
St. house? Mr. Shearer said the one in front of Bob Morton’s. Mayor Sanford said
that definitely was the water authority that dug into the house, of Bernice
Menchey. That’s been several years ago, and Red Lion Water did that cut. Temporary
patched it. Mr. Shearer said then I guess that’s why Joe kind of admitted that they
will have to fix that. Between the water authority and PENN DOT. Mayor Sanford
said even if they throw some stuff in until they pave it in the spring. Mr. Shearer
said I could do that, but I’d rather have the people responsible for fixing it, to
fix it. I’ll give them the chance to do something. Mayor Sanford said give them
another call in the morning. Mr. Shearer said I can do that.

Street Mayor Sanford asked about the street cut right below Sam’s house at the hydrant.
Cut Mr. Shearer said they just did that, they’re probably going let that settle a little bit.
I know it’s a pretty big cut. That’s only two or three weeks since they did that. Joe
usually lets it settle out until he gets Deller or whomever does the work, to patch
it. As deep at it was. What transpired there, there was the situation with the terra
cotta pipe. Joe thought there was actually a leak there, they couldn’t locate the
curb boxes. To this day they don’t know where the curb shut off is. So through
it all, they had to find the service put in a new tap and new curb box. So they’re
going to have to let that settle especially with PENN DOT wanting to pave there
in the spring. They’ll have to have a fix, a permanent patch on that by spring. Yeah,
that should settle.

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Fourth St. Mayor Sanford said what are they going to do at the top of the hill at Fourth Street?
Is that water? Mr. Shearer said yes, that’s another one that they have to fix. Mayor
Sanford said I’ve gotten calls on them all. Mr. Shearer said I’ll tell them that we’ve
gotten calls.

Zoning Officer’s Report

Councilman Myers said he is charging us two hours for checking on a property
at 187 S. Main Street, check on 275 W. George Street, check on a fence at
77 Walnut Street. There was violation out for 7-9 Penna. Avenue for trash
being out too soon.

Emergency Management Report

Updates Mayor Sanford said I’ve done some updates on the EAP for the dam. I spoke
EAP to Jason to get his input on two separate items. He supplied those to me. This
is the update, which I will hand to you for review. I need signatures, from you,
Barry and Rodney. Then we will forward it up to. Councilman Snyder said you
actually changed things? Mayor Sanford said there was a couple of comments,
from the last time we revised it, that I fixed. Some updates on names. We
changed, we had shown Rodney as the operator, they wanted you as the owner/
operator because you are President of Council. You and Barry. A motion to
sign the EAP updates bye Councilman Myers. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Crull. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

County Mayor Sanford said the county has established a weather emergency line. Which
Weather they want borough officials to call and give reports on that specific line or event
Line of severe damage due to earthquakes, flash flooding, things like that. This is for
bigger events. Councilman Snyder said that is only for weather and not for, we
have a tanker spill. Mayor Sanford said that would go to county control. There
is a flier of information in the circulatory file.

Radios The secretary asked if we heard any more about the radios. Mayor Sanford said
they’re still having problems with that. I elected not to use funds from last
year, and asked not to bill until they get the situation fixed.

Generator Mayor Sanford said I did not get a whole lot of time to discuss this with Dana
or Barry. I would strongly suggest and support, an emergency generator
sitting at this building. And with doing just a little bit of electrical work, hook
that up to this system in effect of a long term power outage which we have
experienced especially on that side. To keep it warm and also to operate the
door. As far the hook up, that wouldn’t be hard to do, we can do that fairly
inexpensively. So I’d like to pursue that with some of the funds that were

Maintenance Report(cont.) Page 12

carried over from 2008 to 2009. Councilman Snyder said I don’t see a problem
with getting prices and see where they come in at. At the very least especially
considering that the municipality, building I should say, is designated as the
control, EOC, we probably should have it, so we could operate. Councilman
Noll said it might be available for some grant funds. Mayor Sanford said
there could be through block grants but we’ve been going other directions
with block grants. Councilman Manns asked are you considering going through
the fire company? Councilman Myers said there’s a federal one but I don’t
know how that would work, the fire company applying for it. Councilman
Noll asked do you know any that we could go for? Councilman Snyder said
why couldn’t the borough put in for that with the feds? Councilman Myers said
because its only for fire departments. Councilman Allar said probably homeland
safety. Mayor Sanford said one of the municipalities just did that, put in a large
generator. I’m positive that was block grant money. Councilman Snyder asked
what if the fire department put in for it, and then found out you didn’t have any
need for it and sold it to the borough? Do you have to keep records? Mayor
Sanford said I’m not sure if you can sell it. Councilman Myers said another thing
we could do, maybe, we could upgrade ours at the station and then give that to
you. Councilman Noll said you’re looking at, because you’re going to use full
power here, you could easily get into $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. Mayor Sanford
said I wasn’t going to go that way, I was going to shut it off and plug it in and do
a manual. Councilman Snyder said but considering that we are a EOC here, I mean
we talked about it. Mayor Sanford said I just wanted permission to start conversation.

Mayor and Police Report

York Area Regional Police reported the following for November: 14 calls, 1 accident,
106 traffic citations. Mayor Sanford said some of that I know was on a detail. I need to
do some asking on that, let me come back to that. 2 summary citations, 2 misdemeanor
felony arrests, 2 juvenile arrests. The service hours for November were 74.75 and
administrative hours were 40.82. Mayor Sanford said my feeling on traffic citations
versus patrol. I’d like to put a little more time into patrol. Possibly, curtailing this stuff
before it becomes a problem. Around Tom’s neighborhood, the housing project areas
that are known for problematic areas. So. Mayor Sanford said the last time we rode we
made some arrests in that neighborhood. Councilman Allar said if they do, do patrol,
I can talk and pass on some information.

Accident Councilman Snyder asked how did Pop A Lock come out in that accident? Mayor
Sanford said say again. Hadn’t heard. Councilman Myers said there were some issues.
Councilman Snyder said I called it in. Councilman Myers said we had some issues with
crowd. Kept calling for the police and they were busy. Mayor Sanford asked where was
this? Councilman Myers said it was on Main Street. Councilman Snyder said you didn’t

Mayor and Police Report(cont.) Page 13

know about the accident? Councilman Myers said Bob Huck was in an accident. Mayor
Sanford asked, there at Philly? Councilman Myers said yes. Councilman Myers said
the guys kept calling for the police department. People everywhere. Mayor Sanford
said where did the people come from? Councilman Myers said I don’t know, that’s
what they said. They had to call, and kept asking the people to get back. It got
ugly. Mayor Sanford asked when was it? Councilman Snyder said it was a Wednesday.
Mayor Sanford said between the holidays? Councilman Snyder said before, the second
Wednesday, December 12th. Councilman Myers said they kept asking them to get back.
It got pretty ugly. They kept calling for the police because of crowd issues. Eventually
two cars came. Councilman Snyder asked I was wondering how you made out.
Councilman Myers said we haven’t heard anything since. Councilman Snyder said you
know he was the old fire/ambulance guy, he gets out to check on them. Its like he
couldn’t walk, he almost fell over once he got out of the car. I knew he had probably
at least a broken leg.

York Mayor Sanford said I have a letter from York County TRT that I’ll give to Sam to take
County action on. They’re requesting TRT team from the county, which York Area Regional
TRT has at least two or three, has members that serve on this team. They’re requesting
$500.00 of funding from every municipality for help with equipment expenses. I have
mixed feelings on that. I’ll hand it off to you for discussion.

Police Mayor Sanford said police commission elections were finalized. I won by election this
Comm. year. I had the majority vote of the three candidates. Of the three candidates, I had three
votes so I took the election. I’ll be in office for another year.

Discussion Councilman Snyder said they’re not asking, its not that we have to. Mayor Sanford said
on York this is a voluntary. Mayor Sanford said some money, I don’t feel the whole thing.
County Councilman Noll asked they’re asking York Township for the same amount of money.
TRT Mayor Sanford said yes. Councilman Snyder said they’re asking $500.00 for everyone.
Mayor Sanford said straight across. And somebody had to pick a figure and that’s fine.
I would suggest, that the borough give $100.00. Councilman Snyder said when you
said across the board, they want the same for us, like they want from Windsor
Township or York City. Mayor Sanford said yes. They do, do an excellent job,
they train very often. They trained at Dallastown, I’ve seen them train, I’ve worked
with them. They’re a very good group. Councilman Snyder said I wouldn’t have
a problem sending them $100.00 with a note saying we would like to help more but
we didn’t budget for this. This came to us after the budget’s been closed, we’re consider
you next year’s budget. That would be the truth we could, whether we increase it or
not, that’s another story. Mayor Sanford said this is the first time that I can remember
since I sat with this group that they’ve gone out and asked for funds. Councilman Snyder
said I don’t have a problem. Councilman Noll asked do they provide services for? Mayor
Sanford said they’re county. Councilman Snyder said sort of like the county hazmat.

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Mayor Sanford said they’ll go anywhere at the request of whatever police agency.
Councilman Snyder said and then they have multiple police department manning it.
Mayor Sanford said city force has the most officers on regional, most of the others
have one or two. I know we have at least two, and I think there is a third. But they
resolve their situations very quickly. Councilman Snyder asked $100.00 and then
tell them we will re evaluate at budget time? The secretary asked if we could wait
on that until we get the real estate money in or not? Councilman Noll asked could
you make a copy of that and we could read it and discuss it at next month’s meeting.
Councilman Snyder said we could. The secretary said I prefer not issue any extra
money at this time and I’ll copy it for everybody for the next meeting. Table it for

Secretary’s Report

Thanks The secretary said Dana and I would like to thank you for our Christmas gift.

Petitions Councilman Myers said part of her report. People that are going to run for office.
I made a phone call. They told me to come down and pick them up. I go down
and get them. I said hey I need the petitions for Yoe Borough. They said you
can’t get them until February 1st. I’ll have them for the next meeting hopefully.

Unfinished Business

Gail Councilman Allar said on Gail Koller, is that still an open issue, or is that resolved?
Koller Councilman Snyder said still open, I think she’s going to come back, to give her after
the holidays to think about it. Basically I just called her up the last time, and said
what we had discussed that the park doesn’t really have to be closed, its not going
to impact them or anything. She said well if you’re not going to rent it back to
the church. Councilman Snyder said no, the church is out. She said just let me
just think about it until after the holidays. Councilman Snyder said okay. Councilman
Allar said if we are going to be renting it and she’s not going to be there, we need
to start looking. Councilman Snyder said yes. I think it was the church that really
did her in.

MA & PA Councilman Allar said it was in the minutes but again, we want to get the word out.
Rail trail meeting a week from tomorrow at Windsor. Its not going to be borough
specific. Its going to be general about the trail. What the feasibility study involves.
Mayor Sanford asked are you expecting a big turnout? Councilman Allar said I
don’t really know, I’m not specifically putting this together. This is a kick off.
There’s nothing to having technical answers for liability to homeowners, what
constitutes a easement, some of that stuff. That kind of stuff is what people are

Unfinished Business(cont.) Page 15

what people are looking for. Mayor Sanford said the re route that you should me at
the end of that last meeting. Councilman Allar said that won’t be covered. We’re not
going to be getting into that. Mayor Sanford said how are you going to address questions
if there asked? Councilman Allar said, questions come up, I’m just going to say we’re
looking at options. Mayor Sanford asked is Deb Hatley from York Township still
spear heading? Councilman Allar said yes. Councilman Snyder said my only question
that I had on this feasibility study cause I was reading over the minutes. I thought that
was the whole point of why we were getting the money together to get this feasibility
study done. I thought they were going to be coming to us with options as far as what
they thought was best for your municipality. Why are we going to them and saying
this where we’d like it? Councilman Allar said we’re giving them, well actually
before that. They’re pushing for a municipal meeting, each municipality is going to
have to have a meeting. To have that meeting, you have to know who should be invited
to be there, to copy them. Have a general idea of where this thing might run. Maybe
on the east side, we might invite people along Pennsylvania, we might invite people
even the ones that don’t own the land, etc. They might have traffic and use the alley
at some time. We’re going to have it down, we can’t invite the whole town. We don’t
want to go one way and then find out we invited the wrong people. We’re just trying
to get some kind of an idea. Councilman Snyder said that’s what I was getting at,I would
think the feasibility people would be telling us, this would be your best option to do it,
and then those are the people we need to target to say. Councilman Allar said except over
the next couple of months they want municipal meetings. The feasibility study is going
to run for a year. At some point later on, yes, they will come down with
recommendations. They’re not anywhere near yet. They haven’t even figured out who
owns what properties. Councilman Snyder said I just didn’t understand that part of it.
Cause I mean when you start talking about the municipality and putting the notice on us.
Everybody has an opinion. Councilman Myers said I said that last month. Councilman
Snyder said like I was talking to Tom earlier, I said my idea if they’re coming off the
railroad is to come straight out Water Street. Come straight across Water Street, then
cross Water Street on Main Street then either go up right to the rail or you can go
down on Clark. Its like everybody has an opinion as to what will be best. I thought
they’re the ones telling us this. I didn’t know what we’re paying them for if they’re
not. Councilman Allar said if we leave it 100% on them, they’re going to say follow
the rail trail. That’s all they can do. Then it becomes our problem to get 24, 25
homeowners to go along with it. They’re out of it unless we come up with alternatives
for them to look at. Now do we want to go with what the rail trial as stated. We are not
going to get the homeowners permission. We’re going to have a lot maintenance. We’re
going to have to do that maintenance at our expense. We’re not going to resale that piece
of land over there on E. Pennsylvania, there’s all kinds of safety issues. But right now,
if you’re going to ask them for an answer, its follow the rail trail. That’s what you want
that’s fine, but we’re not ever going to get it open. You can’t look at this as a perfect
line, as to a straight line. You look at it as a crooked line versus no line. If you want the

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trail, or you’re going to have to make some changes. Or we don’t get one. You know, you
guys are not the ones that are going to rush into the homeowners, you really think we’re
going to get Yoe Auto Parts, we’re never going to get them, its right on the trail there.
You know we’re not going to get them. Unless we give them some options to look at,
they’re not going to look at. Councilman Snyder said I just thought, I mean we’re talking
about worrying about inviting 24 people to a meeting. Well York Township has a lot
more to invite. I guarantee you, Rexroth is not going to what to be any part of this
because York Township didn’t give him his rezoning. Does that mean the whole thing is
dead because Rexroth doesn’t want to give permission? Its like, I just thought that’s
what their idea was, they were to give us the ideas. Councilman Allar said there is at least
100 to 200 homeowners over 12 miles. There’s going to be a lot problems. So the
probability of the trail going through is slim. But anyway, they have worked out this
procedure, municipal meetings up front. Councilman Noll said part of the problem, with
the plan they have to have these meeting to put a plan together. But if they don’t have
these meetings, they can’t get the input to put the plan together. Its very convoluting.
Councilman Allar said this is where you get serious input, if they’re interested in doing it,
they’re not interested in doing it. No way. This is the only way they’re going to get the
input, the only way we’re going to get the input. Councilman Noll said the feasibility
study after they meet with these homeowners, will come back and say, no one wants this
trail. Not to waste your time and money. Councilman Snyder said I thought they were
going to be telling us. Giving us our best option. Councilman Allar said they will tell
us about a year from now. Councilman Myers said the feasibility study will come
back after they tackle all these problems. Councilman Snyder said if they are going to
look to us for answers, its like. Once I saw the people coming down George Street, its
like at that point might as well run George Street the whole out to the end of town.
That would be the simplest way, you have sidewalks most of the way except at
the fire hall. I mean, there are so many different options, if we’re doing. That is why
I thought they were suppose to come to us. That was just, I wasn’t sure just what they
were doing.

New Business

Bridge Councilman Snyder said we could get that old railroad bridge back put it one end
to the other. I’d love to see that bridge, I have a picture of that bridge. And I was
always wondering where it was at because Yoe people are using it. They actually
consider it, just like the old trestle bridge that was up there where the dams were.
They call that a Yoe bridge. If its still there, I ‘m not sure exactly where it is.
The smaller one, that the boy scout is re doing. He’s redoing the big one. Councilman
Howett said that’s right there at Gichners. I can take you to it. I can show you where
it was. Councilman Snyder said I know where the big one was in our dams. Councilman
Allar said its up where the Dallastown water comes in, there’s just a big hole.
Councilman Snyder said the one that is up by our dams, I considered that the big one.
Looking for one that’s only about ten foot long. Councilman Howett said its up beyond

New Business (cont.) Page 17

that. Right where our reservoir is at Fitz and Smith, there’s one there. We use to call
the little bridge, the little trestle. Then you have small one that was, a hundred yards
up the road and then you have what we called the big trestle, the one that is bent
up around there. Where the junk yard use to be, and the wood factory. Councilman
Snyder said that’s what has been confusing, there’s three. There was three, the tiny
one, the middle one and the bigger one. I didn’t know there was three. Councilman
Howett said I walked to Red Lion a lot.

Payment of Bills

Councilman Snyder said we have some additional bills: Met Ed: $38.85, Met Ed:$70.04,
Met Ed: $42.80, Verizon Wireless at $44.66. A motion was made by Councilman Noll
to pay the bills as listed with the additional bills mentioned. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Allar. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said bills are paid.


Councilman Crull made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:23PM. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor.